Lost family woes

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Lost family woes

Postby lilmisshalliwell » Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:16 pm

well i promised didn't i lol... gonna post the final part as soon as i've written it
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Lost family woes

Postby marissalu415 » Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:47 am

Great section Claire!! Hope Prue's okay.
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Lost family woes

Postby lilmisshalliwell » Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:37 pm

"Lestat?" Piper announced. "Never heard of him."

"Yea read what he's famous for!" Phoebe replyed looking nervously at Jamie. Piper read the script on the book's page and gasped.

"Lestat, a vampiric demon..His favorite feast is a first-born witch...wait...he's gonna turn Prue into a vampire?" Piper said looking worried.

"Not if i can help it." Jamie suddenly announced and after handing his son back to Leo, vanished from sight.

"Should we go after him?" Piper asked worridly

"No...i think he has a plan." Leo announced unsure.


"What do you want from me?"

Prue asked as she looked upon the bearded man stood in front of her..he would have looked like any other man where it not for the pointed ears and long fang like teeth he was now baring at her.

"Why, i am going to make you mine, miss Halliwell..or may i call you Prue?"

"No,miss Halliwell is fine...and why would you want me?"

"Why, to strengthen my clan of course..what i could do with a first-born witch in my family and a charmed one at that....with our powers combined we would be strong enough to conquer the up world and..."

"So you want to kill me to strengthen your house...bit egotistical don't you think?"

Lestat rushed towards Prue who was tied to a four poster bed in an outfit that she wasn't taken in.. He had obviously sedated her somehow and dressed her in a long blood red gown witch didn't leave much to the imagination around the bust area. He was slobbering all over her by this point..and Prue could smell the rot in his breath...it made her gag. She tried to concentrate on his eye's. She had always been good at reading people's..or in this case demon's next moves by concentrating on thier eye's. As Lestat was rubbing his ugly clawed hands up her body she saw him shiver momentarily then he spoke in a voice she missed...her Jamie's.

"Use your power,free your hands leave the rest to me."

Then as soon as he entered he left. Lestat shook his head for a moment then turned his attention back to Prue. She knew what she had to do, and while lestat was rubbing his ugly hands all over her body she saw Jamie's form shimmer in and nod before shimmering out. Putting on her most sultry voice she started her plan.

"You know...i think i can handle the dark side...and you are...(she began feeling sick) very attractive...how about you untie me and we can have some fun." She said in a fake purring voice.

Lestat looked up into her eyes while she prayed he didn't see through her plan. After what seemed like an age he smiled a toothy smile, prue nearly gagging at the sight of rotting teeth in his mouth and he kissed her full force on the mouth. Prue tried to force herself not to gag while she untied her hands with her power. After a few minutes she had had enough. The taste of him was disgusting. He tasted like rotten eggs and garbage. She moved her mouth away and he looked at her confused until he saw her looking down. Mistaking this for a seduction he moved on to kissing her neck and grabbed her chest in his horrid hands..Before he knew what was happening Prue screamed ' ' NOW '...and Jamie appeared with her sisters and Piper threw her hands up and froze Lestat in place.After scrambling out from under him she stumbled towards her family and into Phoebe's open arms. Phoebe immediately began to lift Prue's long hair and check all over her neck.

"Did he bite you? Did he hurt you?" She was saying.

"Pheeb's i'm fine..stop worrying, that's my job." Prue said smiling at her baby sister. and after hugging her, Then Piper and finally Jamie. She turned to Lestat.

"Wanna do the honours Piper?" Phoebe said. and Piper raised her arms to blow the vampire up.

"Wait." Prue said stopping her.

"Why?" Piper asked clearly confused.

Prue walked over to Lestat frozen on the bed. Hitched up the skirt of the dress she was wearing, and climbed on the bed. standing over him she raised her skirt more and lifted her leg. She followed with a rib-breaking kick causing a still frozen Lestat to fall onto his side.

"That's for thinking you could kiss me, and touch me." She said, then jumped down walked back to her family and motioned for Piper to carry on.

Piper raised her hands and Lestat blew up into little peices. Sighing happily Prue smiled and said.

"Lets go home."

Jamie orbed them all out and they landed safely back in the manor. Prue was immediately covered in bodies as her sisters and husband pulled her into a grateful hug.Leo joined in too. After a minute Prue pulled away.

"Sorry guys but i have to go shower and brush my teeth.. a dozen times." she said and headed to the stairs.

An hour later Prue was happily holding her girls to her chest, she had been away from them only for a short time, but she had missed them dearly. Piper was in the kitchen cooking up Prue's favorite meal and Phoebe was sat on a large beanbag at Prue's feet feeding Daniel.

"Leo is great with the kids, don't you think.whenever we need to go demon hunting he's always offering to watch them. Think he and Piper will ever have kids?" Prue asked Phoebe. Jamie just smiled sat at the side of his wife, holding Andrew.

"I'd like to think so..they deserve a family." Phoebe answered. " And i also think that this house is getting crowded. I've been thinking of moving out." She announced.

Prue looked at her, shock on her face.

"You can't move out Pheebs, we need you here, and not just for the charmed ones, for us, we..i..would miss you." Prue said seriously.

Phoebe's heart melted at her sister's declaration. There had been a time her and Prue hadn't gotten on, would always fight, mainly over silly things. But since they had become witches again, they had grown closer.Looking at Prue's shocked and somewhat scared face now her heart melted once again. She placed her hand on Prue's knee and smiled. An unspoken understanding passing between them. There was a knock on the front door and Jamie stood and answered it. He was followed a moment later by the rest of the Halliwell clan, and Brenda immediately pulled Prue into a semi-hug as to not squash the girls, followed by Brandon and finally Paige. After taking seats around the room, Brenda looked at Prue.

"How are you feeling sis? "

"Well fine, i've spent the day feeding the triplets, sleeping, being snogged and demon-handled by a vampire and finally hugging my girls." Prue said seeing the shock register on her three other siblings.

"You were taken by a vampire.I didn't think they really existed." Brenda announced.

"Oh they do alright." Prue replied. "One things for sure, there will never be a shortage of demons out to get us, but i am comfortable my family will always have my back."

Phoebe squeazed her sisters hand and smiled at her, the unspoken understanding still there.

Piper and Leo entered the room a moment later and after hugging her sister's and brother, they sat down and the sisters and brother began chatting and catching up.

Last edited by lilmisshalliwell on Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lost family woes

Postby lilmisshalliwell » Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:39 pm

Well there you go my loyal readers, the final chapter.. Thank you all for reading and reviewing my story. I had a lot of fun writing it, and i hope you all had fun reading it. Image I may write another one soon but i dunno yet. Love you guys. Image Image Image
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Lost family woes

Postby lilmisshalliwell » Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:28 pm

your welcome hun. Image Image
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Lost family woes

Postby lilmisshalliwell » Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:12 pm

lauren just explained that to me and no. I play a rpg on facebook and one of the vampires on there is called lestat...i just thought it was a good name to use lol.Didn't know ANYTHING about anne rice lol
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Lost family woes

Postby marissalu415 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:18 pm

A great ending for a great story. Image
Last edited by marissalu415 on Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lost family woes

Postby lilmisshalliwell » Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:50 pm

thanks hun Image Image
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