Trouble w/ My friend

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Trouble w/ My friend

Postby shandofan1 » Sat May 13, 2006 8:44 pm

Hi everyone...I kno that I havent been a member long but any advice that you guys could give me would be much appreciated

So, I have this friend n we have been lyk best friends for a really long time and we used to go to the same school...but last year our school ended n we both went to diffrent ones....latly when i hang out with her and her friends from her new school are also there she treats me lyk dirt n is really bitchy to me...but when we are just by ourselves she is really nice and friendly like always...

Last year this happened too when she would only hang w me when we were one on one and not in a group...and last year i confronted her about it (which i really hated doing)...but i felt that i had to...anyway....she was much nicer to me for lyk a week n she was pretty nice to me for like the month after....and then when we were graduating the whole grade just kinda became one she was nice then too....

but latly she had turned really bitchy in groups...and ive tried to ignore it for a long time..but i just feel like i cant anymore...she is also putting me down and that has been putting me in a bad mood and i have kinda been taking it out on my other friends...who dont even know her....and when they ask me wats wrong im just like "o nothing"...but they kno something is up....and i hate that im taking it out on them....cause im doing it accitently...w.o. even realizing it

I dont know wat to do cause im afraid that if i confront my friend again it will be the same as last time...where she will be nice for a little while but then change....

I know that this sounds probly sounds stupid compared to all of the other problems on here...but i didnt kno who else to tell...cause my friends who kno her will prob take her side....sorry to load off on you...but id realllly appreciate any advice!
Last edited by shandofan1 on Sun May 14, 2006 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Trouble w/ My friend

Postby anna16 » Sun May 14, 2006 2:44 am

aww hun that's tough!!!! i had a friend who did that to me too...but she completely blew me off! Image...try letting her know how u feel (yeah i hate doing it too!) cos she may not even know she's doing it....that's probably how she acts when ever she's with those other friends n so even when ur there she keeps up the act then when they go she lets her guard down?! so telling her again will maybe just reinforce the fact that she doesnt have to be a diff person just cos she's got new friends...see im really bad at advise soz! but it's worth a try i guess!

she shouldnt be treating u like dirt if she's your good friend and u have to let her know that it's not on!

dont think you're problem is stupid lovely!!...haha im freaked out about going somewhere so def. dont think that this is stupid!! Image

im here to chat to if ya want...just pm me! (or ill pm u... either way! Image )
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Trouble w/ My friend

Postby kiki » Sun May 14, 2006 9:54 am

^yeah dito

a real friend wouldnt do that to you, thinking about it this is quite a comman problem, ive heard of this happening to lots of girls when theyve gone to highschool, its happened to me too, and with a friend like this you usually drift apart.............. your at different schools so you have to make an effort to see her, why would you bother seeing someone whos mean to you, and why would she see you if she didnt want to......but then again maybe her friends are the bitchy ones so she feels she has to be bitchy infront of them.......if she only does this infront of other people she is obviously v. vain, and cares far too much what peeps think......its a sign of weakness and do you really want a friend like this??

i would tell her how you feel, and have it out otherwise youre gonna feel anoyed for a v. long time, if she starts being bitchy again, maybe you should go your seperate ways, make some friends at your school who are actually worth your time (and you said your gonna do the drama production next year - theyre usually the most friendly and nicest peeps in the school)

if this sounds rash im sorry, but you seem really lovely by your pms and stuff, so you have to think, do you want a friend like this in a years time? i wouldnt

so let her know how you feel and if that doesent work, maybe only see her 1 on 1, and if thats impossible she doesent seem worth the bother
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Trouble w/ My friend

Postby ppp » Sun May 14, 2006 1:44 pm

I dont think she is a very good friend, maybe you should hang out with other friends also to foreget her, and only hang out with her when she is alone but dont that much, maybe you should do the same to her, so she know how it is, it is your choice.
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Trouble w/ My friend

Postby shandofan1 » Sun May 14, 2006 8:51 pm

I know what all of you mean...but if this has happened to any of kno that it is easier to say that "we can go our seprate ways" then to actually do it....but im kinda trying to do that...and thank you all for the support....if she keeps this up ill prob talk to her again....ill tell you how things go
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Trouble w/ My friend

Postby kiki » Mon May 15, 2006 2:41 pm

it has happened 2 me, my best friend in juniour school called tanya, we went 2 different high schools and her new friends didnt like me, she was really 2 faced, lovely 2 me, but i know she bitched about me behind my back, in the end i just made new friends at my school and hanged out with them outside school instead
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Trouble w/ My friend

Postby ppp » Mon May 15, 2006 5:48 pm

It also have happened to me a friend i have since i remember and he began acting like that, so i began hanging out with some frients, not having only him as friend and all go good, we are still friends but dont that much.
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