Dylan's Soulmate

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Dylan's Soulmate

Postby cartiergurl01 » Fri May 05, 2006 12:29 pm

Who do you think Dylan's soulmate was? For me, it's a no-brainer, definitely Brenda. Their chemistry, passion, and intensity was palpable, and I don't think any other couple or girl Dylan was paired up with could compare to the chemistry and spark they had. I don't think there was a woman who loved Dylan more than Brenda did. She turned herself lied, snuck around, and defied her parents for him. Hell, she practically changed his life.

I never bought the Dylan and Kelly crap for a minute(they didn't even talk or were that close when Brandon and Brenda came to town), I just think he picked her over Brenda because she was an easy way out and he was sick and tired of Jim being on his case all the time. I always felt that after Brenda left, they were trying to push the whole Dylan/Kelly soulmates crap down my throat. Maybe there was sexual attraction and lust, but there was never that spark or love, like Dylan and Brenda had.

I hated him when he cheated on Brenda with Kelly and picked her over Brenda. I also hated the way he treated her during that whole decision time, she did not deserve that. I think I bawled my eyes out when they finally broke up and Brenda was crying in her room, listening to "Losing My Religion," by R.E.M., heartbreaking scene.

I liked him with Toni too, felt sorry for him when she died. Extremely heartbreaking scene. They had great chemistry. She kind of reminded me of Brenda.
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Dylan's Soulmate

Postby Prudence#1 » Sat May 06, 2006 8:01 am

I have to say Brenda to

There was no couple who was like them. No one had the same chemistry like they had , the clostest was maybe Donna and David, but I didnt like Kelly after that whole Kelly/Dylan/Brenda love triangle, It was easier for me to frogive Dylana sense he was always there for Brenda when she needed him and he always belived in her when no one else did, and you could still see how much they still cared for eatchother after they had broken up. I dont think that Kelly and Dylan had any chemistry together, their relationship was built on
Sex, lust, fights they were always fighting and making Dylan as she wanted him to be
Brenda and Dylans relationship on the other hand was built on : Love, sex,lust, fight , they still fighted but not as often as Kelly and Dylan did.

Luke himself prefered Dylan to be with Brenda and he wanted them to end up togther at the end, he wanted Dylan to ride up in the sunset alone rather then returning to Kelly

And I also know that Jennie prefered Kelly to be with Brandon
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Dylan's Soulmate

Postby ching343 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:38 am

definitely brenda was dylan's soulmate in any reality!! i mean they were so perfect together and i never seen a couple like that with alot of chemistry between them!! brenda even lied, snuck around and defended him from her parents most of the time!! he was also her first love and they were amazing together!! dylan was always there for brenda when she needs help or when she was in trouble like when she was in palm springs and in jail.

Dylan's Soulmate

Postby Letizia » Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:10 pm

Dylan is hot!!

Dylan's Soulmate

Postby isis » Fri Dec 29, 2006 1:41 am

No brainer definatly Brenda. I was really young when 90210 started but my sister used to watch it and she loved Brenda and I took it over from her. When I saw the episode isn't romantic I was hooked. The chemistry between Dylan and Brenda was amazing I don't think I ever saw or have seen a couple on TV that had so much chemistry together. it was electrifying. Al do I have to admit that I always found Brenda to good for Dylan. But the beauty in that relationship lay in the mutual love and respect they had for each other.
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Dylan's Soulmate

Postby Letizia » Fri Dec 29, 2006 1:07 pm

Its true!

Dylan's Soulmate

Postby dylandog90210 » Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:07 pm

Hi everybody i think that Dylan was wrong when he decided to cheat on Brenda and he fell in love with her best friend but Dylan and Brenda were a great couple but her dad never liked a lot Dylan as Brenda's boyfriend....so i think that in part is Jim Walsh fault if they broke up.....and then when Brenda left Beverly Hills, Kelly makes Dylan suffer a lot because she was in Brandon's bed...and Dylan started to drink alchol and smoking drugs....i think that if Brenda was there she surely help Dylan and maybe they came back together....well i don't like so much the Dylan-Toni's couple....Toni was the daughter of the man that killed Dylan's father so it was so easy to understand that they will not belong together....at the end of this comment the only thing that i can say is that Dylan is the best character in 90210 because he suffer a lot but he always continued to live his life....
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Dylan's Soulmate

Postby pocahontas » Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:10 pm

i say brenda cause i think they were great together i think they were perfect together
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