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Small Problem

Postby prue411 » Wed May 03, 2006 8:46 pm

Ok, the friend that I told you all about, her name is Rachel, remember I said that we fell out and then bacame friends again? Well, she lives in England and I met her from a depression forum. She also cuts herself and has attempted suicide in the past, and I think she still does. Anyway, she was asking me today about these tablets, I cant remember the name, so Ill post the name when she come back online. She kept asking what would happen if you took 4 of them, what were the side effects? I said Im not sure, and she went offline. She online came back online there now, (she makes me worry about her alot!) and asked, how many tablets would you need to take to end up in hospital but not intentionly die? And I freaked out! Then I said please dont Rach, and then she went offline. Its been 10 minutes now and I am really worried. What can I do? If she does anything to herself I will never forgive myself, and I would probably end up killing meself because she is my best friend, she knows everything Im going through, she is going through it right now. Please guys I really need help. Im begging you.
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Postby Sarah-Lucy » Wed May 03, 2006 9:14 pm

stacey like what we have been saying to you plze get adult help ASAP. those depession forums are bad news and should be banned, they dont give help to sufferers which they need. take care Image
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Postby prue411 » Wed May 03, 2006 9:46 pm

The depression forums are for help and advice, they are probably one of my fave forums to go to.

Ibuprofen the tablets are called. She came online, asid she almost took the rest that she had and still mite. Im scared
Last edited by anonymous on Wed May 03, 2006 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kiki » Wed May 03, 2006 10:17 pm

ibuprofen are like parcetmore (your supposed to take two at a time and no more than 10 during the course of a 24 hour period with 6 hours seperating each dosage) but they are a little bit stronger and get to the pain quicker, anyway, any more then 10 at one time can reult in being rushed into hospital to have your stomach pumped and is considered an overdose, but a packet has 12 (usually)in and that is enough to go to hospital if she took them all at once
If she took them throughout the day it wouldnt be that bad

I hope that helps a bit
Last edited by kiki on Wed May 03, 2006 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby shandofan1 » Thu May 04, 2006 2:26 am

first of all tell an doesnt have to be a parent or anyone...just someone you trust
second...i think that ur friend will prob be ok for now b/c i once had a friend who stupidly didnt read the back and ended up taking wayyy too many ibuprofen (i think that is what she took anyway)...anyways she just got really nautious but was in no grave danger....however as i am not 100% sure that it was the same thing you really need to talk to i said before an adult who knows more about the might also want to try calling her to calm her down...hope everything is ok...she has my prayers!
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Postby prue411 » Thu May 04, 2006 6:42 am

This is gonna be the first time I've told anyone but, having been abused most of my life, I can't trust anyone. If people came and stood near I would scream.

My step dad also admitted to me that he hated me and never wants to see me ever again.

Adults scare me, they have abused me, and that is the reason I don't talk to them.
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Postby anna16 » Thu May 04, 2006 4:09 pm

hmmm this is a tough one cookie!...the most important thing here hun is that you dont blame yourself for your friend's actions! she's her own person and you are not responsible for what she does! whilst you can worry about her you still have to take care of yourself so dont be saying that you'll kill yourself if she did anything to herself...that wont solve anything! Go and talk to someone like a social mum's one and i trust it likely that there will be one that you can trust!...OR if there's a kidshelpline where you are like there is in aussie then call annonomously and they will not necessarily tell you what u should do but they will lisen and will give you a few guidelines!...your friend hopefully will be ok!...when i was 6 i overdosed on panadol (k dont judge me i snuck into my nan's bag where she had the kids panadol and well they tasted like blueberries and i just ate them like sweets) and i had to get my stomach pumped but im fine!...was fine with in a few days!...perhaps dont tell her what she should/shouldnt do cos that may be threatening to her but instead offer support-give her a shoulder to lean on when she's feeling down-but just make sure that u youself, my dear, dont drown in it!...well hmmm im not very good at giving advice lol but hope you and your friend's ok!!!!

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Postby kris » Thu May 04, 2006 6:12 pm

I hope she's okay - I know this isn't the best advice but if I pack only contains 12 you should try to stay calm. Yes it is serious but it takes 26 painkillers to knock somebody out, in the meantime try talking to her normally. Try to show her that although you know what she is doing is wrong you still care about her. Don't try to scold her for it because that makes you feel worse when you're in that place - make her see that the pain would be ten times worse for the people she leaves behind, Although we hurt ourselves we would never wish that onto anybody else.

I've never been on a depression forum, I don't ever want to because I find it too hard to talk about things too so I can't really give any advice on using a board like that. My love and prayers are with you both - I'm around if you need me x.
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Postby artemis2 » Thu May 04, 2006 8:17 pm

Hey sweets!

I think you should tell someone. I know its not easy for you to trust adults, knowing now what they have done to you, which i hate them for doing, but there are nice adults to, who listens and helps. Now, about Rachel, if she comes online, explain to her all the positive things of life, and tell her that what she is doing can and will hurt people who care about her, and it will also hurt god. He made her for a reason, and that is for her to live! If she still wont change her mind, and goes offline, just wait and see if she comes online again, when she is offline, im afraid there is nothing you can do.Just try to convince her if she comes online! Ok? Take care sweetypie, Emma. Image
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Postby annelies » Sat May 06, 2006 8:33 am

I'm just gonna say the same things as everybody else said. Tell Rach that she's gonna hurt a lot of people by doing that, especially you. Like Emma said: God made her for a reason. Tell her positive things. It would indeed be better to talk to an adult about it. I have a friend who is going to the same as you two and it's hard to support her, but I'll never give up. I never wanna loose her. I hope you can convince Rach and take care of yourself too. Image
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