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The transcripts on Jimmy Kimmel ,

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:44 am
by frz
Sorry guys if it's not that good specially with this english , I've got alittle help with the Tv text , If there was problem in it PLZ tell me so I can fix it .

Jimmy : you know our first guest from "Beverly Hills 90120" . "Charmed" and a few appearances on "Celebrity Justice" . Her new job is runnin the Hawaiian hotel every thursday night "North Shore" . Please give a hearty Aloha to Shannen Doherty everybody .
After She sat . Jimmy : They love You !!
SD : Thank U .
J: You're grown up infront of their very eyes .
SD : Can I ask U ...... Was it necessary to throw your mean Quip ? ..... Come on you guys ,,, like .......
J : What mean Quip ?
SD : "Celebrity Justice" ? Was it necessary , Jimmy !!??
J : No , It was not necessary ! but I appriciated by most . besides U .
SD : Right , Right ....
J : But you haven't been in trouble for a long time . You haven't had any trouble . Right ?
SD : So , moving on ....
J : You have ? Have I been missing my "CJ" ?
SD : No you have not . I've been a good girl .
J : You're in Hawaii now , Right ?
SD : I Do .
J : You moved to be away from people ?
SD : I fly back every single chance I get .
J : Oh , You hate Hawaii ?
SD : No , I don't hate Hawaii ... But basicly if I wrap on like friday 2 o'clock in the afternoon I jump on 5 o'clock flight right back to LA .
J : Oh , Really ?
SD : Yeah .
J : Yeah , cause It's small .... You have ..... you're friends aren't there ?
SD : Yeah ... My friends are .... I mean I have friends in Hawaii now
J : You don't get along with the cast ?
SD : I do very well ... every body's lovely , It's a great show to work on . It's just ... you know ... It's an Island .
J : Yeah , That's what they say
SD : It's an Island ... [laughter] I wasn't sure you knew that
J : I well ,, You know ?
SD : Just makin sure .. It's a great place for vacation
J : Yeah
SD : It's beautiful . It's stunning . the water is amazing , but living there it's hard .
J : Is it ....... It's hard for you , Right ?
SD : I mean .... Only because of my dogs ... you know ? .... My life .. everything is .....
J : They don't let the dogs in Hawaii , Right ?
SD : It's like Six-months Quarantine
J : Where would they go in Six-Months Quarantine ?
SD : I don't know , because I would never put my dogs through that , so instead they're rebelling in my parent's house , they're chewing everything up in the world
J : They don't give celebrity exception to celebtiry's dogs ?
SD : No
J : That's outragous.
SD : outragous ....
J : I tell you what !!1 Governor Schwarzenegger should do something about it
SD : He should do something
J : Now , You are a republican , I know
SD : I am
J : You and Ben Stein and ....
SD : There's more of us than that
J : And Tom Selleck ... Are pretty much , that's .... oh , every country singer except Dixie Chicks are republicans
SD : We have Mel Gibson
J : Yeah ... But he's Australian .. Isn't he ?
SD : You know , there's alot of us but it's we're too scared to come out
J : What so you mean you too scared ?
SD : It's a big thing
J : Well , You're not too scared
SD : I'm not ... but You know ?
J : Who's scared ? Tell me who's scared
SD : Well , I can't name them . It's a very private , private exclusive club of us
J : Oh , Really ?
SD : Yeah , We meet at least once a week and chat ... I mean it's scary , actually alittle bit to be a republican
J : Do people get mad at you like other celebrities ?
SD : It's just , You get reamed for it , which is insane to me the whole things , living in united states is about freedom
J : Well , That's the continetal United states . You're off in Hawaii now
SD : The minute you come out and say you're republican . It's a pretty big deal in Hollywood , at least
J : You don't see too many republicans in Hollywood
SD : You don't
J : It's pretty rare . They're becoming extinct , I guess
SD : Yes
J : Ben Stein though , still republican . Do you know Ben ?
SD : No , I don't .. I mean , I know who he is
J : You'd like him
SD : Yeah , I think we asked him to join out little lunch
J : Oh , You did ? What did he say ?
SD : He said , he's be get back to us
J : Ok , Alright . He'll be here on wendesday to discuss election
SD : Great , So can you ask him for me ?
J : I will , I understand he's full but I'll ask him
SD : We Need one more
J : So you're a republican now , You're an ... Kinda an active republican . Did you come back here just to vote ? You're gona go vote tomorrow ?
SD : No , I did an absentee Ballot
J: You did . Well that's good . You don't have to go .....
SD : I wouldn't miss it for the world
J : There's a big line and there's old , old oat people running the line and you've gotta get back Hawaii soon .
SD : I'll leave for Hawaii tomorrow , I would be more than happy to stand in the line but I wanted to be sure that I didn't miss my opportunity to vote
J : Right , And did you have Halloween things last night ?
SD : I had a Horrific halloween last night actually
J : Oh , Really ?
SD : Yeah , Actually Halloween Which was last night , Right ?
J : But not in Hawaii time .
SD : I stayed home , because the night before which is apparently , in Malibu , everybody celebrated on saturday night
J : Oh , They did ?
SD : Yeah . And I was in this area at a friend's house and as I was leaving --- First Off , I walked out to my car which was parked on the street I noticed that two of my tires were slashed
J : Oh , Really ?
SD : Yes , so then I had to borrow my friend's Avanti and as I was cruising through point Doom in Malibu in the Avanti , Every third car were slash tires which is amazes me that like .. This is what's fun Halloween for kids in Malibu to do is to slash people's Tires
J : Wow ...
SD : Yeah , and kids were throwing stuff at people's car
J : Yeah , I used to do that . But the other stuff it's just plain destructive
SD : They were like the Police force was out in this one , little area of Malibu
J : They were out , What they were doing there ?
SD : I'm not sure , cause I asked them that too
J : You know ,,,,, the pilice tire , That's a real score
SD : 40 cars have slashed tires . Did you notice anybody walking around with a knife ?
J : Wow , That was something else
SD : Yes , That was my Halloween
J : You borrowed friend's car . have You given it back yet ?
SD : Yes , I returned the Avanti this morning
J : Well , that's very nice . Avanti ?! I haven't heard of that car . You are on "North Shore" and you are ... Which one is it ? Brooke Burns or Brooke Burke . Which one is on it ? Cause it's very difficault to keep them straight
SD : Brooke Burns not Burke
J : You sure of that ?
SD : It's not that hard to keep them straight . Those very beautiful woman . Different looking
J : Well , That's makes it different , Now Brooke Burns has died her hair back
SD : She's dark hair
J : That's make it even more confusing
SD : Yeah , She looks great
J : You play her older sister ?
SD : Yes
J : You're a mean sister ?
SD : No
J : Well , this clip that we have would argue with that . Here's Shannen Doherty on "North Shore"

The clip of North shore with Alexander and Nicole when Alexander Fire her sister

J : Wow , even Donald trump wouldn't fire his own relatives
SD : You know .... ? I don't think that's mean
J : I'm with you
J : You ever dance or sing with the Pussycats Dolls ?
SD : No , but I'm looking forward to it one day
J : Oh , Really , Maybe tonight .... Who knows ?

The transcripts on Jimmy Kimmel ,

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:56 am
by shannenchicafan
Thank you FRZ. I was gonna do it this weekend but you got it done before me and that is ok.

Thank You and Love YA,

The transcripts on Jimmy Kimmel ,

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:26 pm
by trainlies
Good job, and thanks! (;

much love,

The transcripts on Jimmy Kimmel ,

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 2:43 pm
by Prudence#1
Thank you for that

The transcripts on Jimmy Kimmel ,

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:56 pm
by xanzou
thats great, thx a lot Farnaz Image Image

The transcripts on Jimmy Kimmel ,

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:45 pm
by buddy2
Thankyou!!!!! Image u made me very happy Image

The transcripts on Jimmy Kimmel ,

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:15 pm
by shannenhalliwell2
wow awsome! thnx so much Farnaz Image

The transcripts on Jimmy Kimmel ,

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:37 pm
by gemma2
FRZ.....You are so kind! Image

Thank you very much!!! Image

The transcripts on Jimmy Kimmel ,

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:16 am
by frz
That is really not Cool ,,, if someone use this transcripts for their message board or anywhere else you should give the credit to "" not "" .

That was really not cool . I don't care if someone using this transcripts or whatever but if you wanna give credit you should give the credit to "" but If you wanna give the credit to "" you should better don't give the credit because "" it's not even a site .

This is not just about the transcripts , it will include everything on this board like pictures or Shannen's post .

The transcripts on Jimmy Kimmel ,

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:40 pm
by shaed412
people are so mean...God Bless!!!