Screwing Up

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Screwing Up

Postby bewitchedprue » Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:22 pm

Well I've never posted on here before, so here goes...and this isn't a good post to start of with, but oh well.
I know I'm a screw-up, but this time I've really screwed up. i had a big argument with my mom this morning, and then she stopped tlaking to me. this isn't unusual, but then this evening she didn't make dinner, and my dad went and asked if she was planning on making it. She said "I'm not going to take any more crap from any of you. I'm sick of it. One day I'm going to have had enough, and I'll go." I asked her if that meant she was leaving, and she said "I didn't say I was leaving, I just said I'd go!" My yelled at her "if you don't start acting normally, then I'm going out, and I'm not coming back." So this is all my fault basically.
This is not the first time I've screwed up. When I was thirteen, my school called them in because they found out I was self-harming, and my parents kept yelling that they didn't need a crazy daughter.
When I was fourteen, my best friend stalked me and my other best friend for months, and then said online that it was me, so I got the blame for it and I got bullyed by people in the year above me for a year over that. I stopped talking to my two friends, but I didn't find out it was one of them until last september, when the other best friend found out. I was laways kind of suspicious of the stalking best friend, but I always told myself I was being stupid.
I'm just sick of things going wrong for me.
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Screwing Up

Postby kris » Fri Apr 14, 2006 9:58 pm


I can identify with most of that. I'll Pm you because what I want to say is kinda prsonal to me too. Just remember never give up and that you're not a screw-up. We all think down on ourselves, I do it everyday but we just need to remember to keep going. My prayers are with you.

"People who claim they're evil are usually no worse than the rest of us. It's people who claim that they're good, or any way better than the rest of us, that you have to be wary of. " — Gregory Maguire.
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Screwing Up

Postby chienna » Sat Apr 15, 2006 12:50 pm

Hi there,

Forst of all, welcome on the boards. Second...You first have to remember that you're not a screw up! You're friend set you up with the staling thing. I never bin thruh this, but i can say that you can't think negative about you'reself, this is maybe not nice (not at all) but if you think negative, it all be worse believe me! Well...I hope you're okay.

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Screwing Up

Postby irishshire1 » Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:25 pm

i had a friend stalk me and blame me for it too also online over AIM so i know how you feel there, just try to thikn of better things, like something to look foward to, like a vacation or something in school. my parents fight like that sometimes usually its nothing, sounds kinda like my family right now a little, try talking to them about it
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Screwing Up

Postby divine » Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:52 pm

Never ever think that you are a screw up... we all go through tough times some we bring onto ourselves but mostly not, usually a series of bad circumstances... It apears that your friends if you can call them that set you up, and the positive side of that at least you found out before anything worse happened.

Just be positive and try to turn things around for yourself. A technique that usually works for me is before I do or say anything I think how would I normally react to this situation, and I pause for a moment and do something completely different not opposite neccessirly but different, doing this you learn new things about yourslef.

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