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On how Bad Brad messed up with Charmed...

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On how Bad Brad messed up with Charmed...

Postby scally » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:18 pm

Where do you think Bad Brad messed up with Charmed?

I think in the final episode where he barely mentioned Prue... He coud have used pics of little Prue hanging around somewhere in the house... but no... What do you think?
Last edited by scally on Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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On how Bad Brad messed up with Charmed...

Postby mingbear » Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:49 am

There's that one. I've been going off on that one in another thread. There's also the entire Chris season. Then season 8 didn't really flow all that well either. I mean, awesome ending, but still kind of jerky. THe character of Billie didn't fit with the show, you know?
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On how Bad Brad messed up with Charmed...

Postby mingbear » Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:51 am

Oh! And another one. Who was that magical suitor guy after Paige in s8? I mean, he looked half whitelighter to me and she's supposed to be the only one, except for Wyatt and CHris. So does not make any sense since he's about her age! Hello!
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On how Bad Brad messed up with Charmed...

Postby sweissman » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:51 am

Well, to start off - intersting topic and one I'm sure we'll have loads of posts on. Image Secondly, are you just doing it by on-screen things or off to because he's screwed up there as well I feel; if you want just on-screen then you have season 5 to really start with: childish fairy tales and while some were understandable because you sort of figured eventually they'd go there - an entire season on them, was it really necessary? And of course the whole goddess thing...I'm not even sure what he was thinking there - other than getting his little boy toy Chris involved, which of course begins the dreaded season 6. Chris and all his bull drama - enough said there I'm sure, the Piper/Leo breakup...yes, I can understand them breaking up maybe - for drama, but Piper rushing off to sleep with everyone so soon (ie Greg) THAT IS NOT HOW SHE WOULD EVER BE! Piper would never do Leo like that, at least not our old Constance written Piper. Season 7 - the start of many guest stars no one cared to really see which is also true in season 8; expensive guest stars no one wants to see, expensive scenes that cost a fortune that no one cared about in comparison to having our Leo on full season....and of course there was the repeat storylines pretty much - same storylines just different sisters this go around. True, 8 years, you might be running out of ideas but even so - could you make it so it's not so easily noticable? Really. And hey, if you want to kill two birds with one stone why not hire new writers and give the old ones a break - mix up the creative juices instead of bringing on guest stars to play a character we don't care for anyways - give us our fan favorite instead! Not adding Prue in the finale is another thing to complain about, they did better in season 7 than they did here but in true Kern form if you really listen to some of the things, much with the "one door close another opens" part in season 8, it's a backhanded comment...but maybe that's just me.

Also in season 8, how he forced us to watch the Jenkins sisters instead of Halliwell sisters....just what show did he think he was working on I ask you? Christy, okay, pretty cool little bad guy, but Billie (not knocking Kaley because she was good in '8 Simple Rules') with the whining all the time...it was like watching a female version of Chris at times and I hated that; yes, I know the girls wanted time off but hey - if he kept Leo we could have gave Brian something to do to fill in for them and who's to say he couldn't focused on each sister for a bit....have the others do fill-in spots as it were but have the main episode about one and just rotate out, something like that maybe. The show's about three sister witches with the last name Halliwell (and one Matthews) not Jenkins Brad! And of course the ultimate battle...who cared about that honestly? Cole was a better battle and vanquish than the one we got, the Source was better, heck even Zankou in season 7's finale was better than Billie and Christy....maybe that's just because of having them forced down our throats as the new sisters of the show and all that I didn't like so there for I didn't like them being the big battle either. And back to season 7 - avatars, Leo going crazy (not a big fan of that), and the finale....since when can you teach astral projection? Image Such a backhanded comment towards Prue I tell you. Not to mention at the end when they change their identies they made Leo look like a younger Dan what was up with that?! Now there's a diss to all Leo and his fans I think.

And of course if you get general you have all the inconsistances of powers and rules which for the first three years seemed to make sense and work fine for everyone....until Brad got control of course - apparently they weren't good enough for him; not to mention just the lack of quality in things on some of the special effects - take a little pride in your work man please. Thinking we'd just buy into anything he wrote because we like the show - I think not. And all of this is just a rant on the on-screen stuff, you want to toss in off-screen as well you have him just being a total jerk there and how he's acted with Shannen and the character of Prue - the backhanded comments, the being petty about her every chance he could get, the making her out to be a bad guy, when she was there telling her she needed to basically sit down - shut up - and look pretty because he didn't like her standing up to him and trying to make things better in the show; and of course there's the whole once he got control if you ever notice Phoebe started wearing less and less...coquencidence? I think not. The man seems to have an unhealthy obsession with the young Halliwell and the actress that plays her, but again - could just be me. And to join the group of Shannen and Alyssa you have Holly and how he enjoyed sticking it to her and her character after she started to get tired of things and speak up much like Shannen did, Piper got written completely out of character - you could tell Holly didn't agree with it even though they made her say it in the scripts, he gets rid of Leo because he doesn't have enough money he says yet he can afford to do a helicopter scene when anyone else would have green screened most of it and kept Leo...taking Brian from Holly and leaving her really upset; it wasn't enough he disses Prue, and in a way the character her best friend helped to create, but then he kicks off another friend she had (both strangly - friends she had before the show ever started) under mysterious circumstances. And lets not all forget how he stole the Book of Shadows from her.

Holly said she wanted one thing from the show, just one and it was the book - the woman who deserved it most (after Constance or Aaron Spelling of course), who'd been there the longest (including the first pilot), been the reason most fans stayed once season 4 started got shafted and had the one thing she wanted most stole from her by a petty, petty, vindictive man who got a kick out of screwing loyal fans - creating characters no one cared about and having them there for the entire season in hopes of spinning them off and getting a show that was truely his own to do....someone who talked down to his actors and cared nothing about the great ideas they had and only what they looked like - that is so unfair and just another topic in and of itself.

And I realize this is very long and ranting, but it's just a few things I can think of just off the top of my head about how Brad royally screwed us over.....I'm sure I could be more specific if I went back and watched things, but this is just off the top of my head. True, he did some good things (season 4 and bringing Cole on), but I think the bad out-weighs the good in this case and that once Constance and Shannen left and he got free rein the power just went to his head and there was no turning back or stopping it because he wasn't going to listen to anyone who didn't already agree with him. I'll give the man his dues on some episodes and season 4, but I can honestly say I remember the bad easier than the good....maybe because there's just so much of it; and you know, this could all just be me and my feelings on it and none of you agree by the topic did ask and I'm replying. Image I look forward to hearing the rest of your replies that's for sure. Image

Closing statement: Why is Brad Kern this way, I don't know - I doubt we'd ever know all the lying (another issue with him about screwing us over and the lies he'd tell in the magazines and about storylines and just everything - I could name but this post is already long enough as it is, I'll just say - Shannen and Chris as Piper and Leo's child to name two; read "Ask Brad" you'll fine even more - trust me) he's known to do, but here's hoping he (sadly it had to be on this show) learns from this and uses it to be a better person. Even if just a little I'd consider that a big improvement all things taken into account.

Thanks to all of you who actually made it this far, was a lot of work I know, but maybe you found something you liked. Lol. Image
Last edited by anonymous on Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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On how Bad Brad messed up with Charmed...

Postby mingbear » Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:44 am

Wow. Well, Piper did change slowly after Prue's death. At first I think it was Holly's doing, combining Prue and Piper. But by season 8, she was willing to kill witches? I don't think so, not the Piper I know. Yes, she has an obsessive personality, but even being obsessed with finding Leo, I don't think Piper would ever be that way. Another rant. I have quite a few, I've just gotta think a little.
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On how Bad Brad messed up with Charmed...

Postby sweissman » Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:43 am

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On how Bad Brad messed up with Charmed...

Postby mingbear » Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:40 am

She didn't find out about them using her Wyatt's powers until the last. I think she was ready sooner to kill them than the others were. I know she's a realist, but I think that the way she acted was not her. She jumped to the conclusion to kill them right after they killed that demon in the cave together. It seemed unjustified to me and it didn't really vibe right for me. MAybe it was just me.
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On how Bad Brad messed up with Charmed...

Postby scally » Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:44 pm

I think Piper wanted to kill them just when she found out that something wasn't right about them... And that's definately not Piper... I really hated the 8th season because I suddenly found myself hating Piper... just for a second or two but there was a point where I hated her for behaving the way she did... That was NOT Piper... That was Bad Brad creating a new character by using Holly's old one... If there should be a movie or something like that I really hope Bad Brad is NOT a part of it because it wouldn't be Charmed the way we like it but Charmed the way Bad Brad likes it... or it wouldn't be Charmed at all but something else called Charmed...
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On how Bad Brad messed up with Charmed...

Postby mingbear » Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:14 pm

Exactly! That's just what I was trying to say, only I couldn't seem to spit it out, or type it out as the case may be.
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On how Bad Brad messed up with Charmed...

Postby mookdog » Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:47 am

I agree with some of the statements you all have made but not all. First we all agree that bad Brad messed up the show of Charmed. But how could anyone hate the character of Piper she was the one who kept Prue's memory alive for the viewers. To me the character of Piper had to grow and advance after the death of Prue. Remember at the beginning of the show Piper was alittle scary. But after the death of Prue she became the oldest sister and she wanted to make Prue proud by taking care of the family as Prue had. She wasn't quick to want to kill Billie and Christy it took some episodes for her to come up with that conclusion. So how could you hate Piper for wanting to kill Billie and Christy when they wanted to kill the Charmed Ones. You all mean to tell me that if someone was trying to kill you that you would just let it happen. Sorry not me they will have to come with it. If it's my life or theirs I am going to fight for mines no matter what and that's what Piper was doing. She became the strong one to do what had to be done just as Prue. I don't it would have took Prue long to figure out that they would have to kill Billie and Christy and I don't think Prue would have hesitated to take them out. Image Image
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