Charmed & Harry Potter

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Charmed & Harry Potter

Postby mingbear » Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:03 pm

I agree on that one. But on all the other stuff, I believe that both were inspired by The Craft, weren't they? I think I read that somewhere. Maybe in this post, I'm a little off. But the point is that both were inspired by the same basic thing and there are probably just coincidences.

In ancient pagan religions, which Wicca is based on, love is the great power that can overcome anything, including evil. Three was the perfect number and that's been brought even into the present by Christianity which melded with paganism in Rome when it was made the official religion. The Trinity was inspired by that number because there's no mention of it until after Rome had declared it that way and the following texts then mentioned the Trinity. ANyway, way off track. It all has its roots in the same place, so the main themes of 3, love and good vs evil are going to be the same. THe initials thing is cool though.
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Charmed & Harry Potter

Postby lil4leafclover » Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:17 pm

Charmed gives more a woman touch on magic. While Harry Potter gives more a younger crowd touch.

Charmed is a show based on three sisters that are witches.

Harry Potter is a book/movie based on wizards adapting to a life full of magic...

I also find that both of the magic concepts really differ from one another. Harry Potter allows certain spells to be learned by everyone, where as, Charmed basically assigns magic to one another. Example would be like, Paige has whitelighter abilities, while Piper has molecule manipulation. I can't give you an example of a Harry Potter spell since it's been awhile for me.

But both of them give you completely different feelings from one another Image



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