Should Prue have had a child?

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Should Prue have had a child?

Postby shannenfallenangel » Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:53 pm

What do you think it would have been like if Prue had had a child before she died, and then Piper or someone could have taken the child on as theirs? Then Prue would have been remembered, and also for a short time she could have been a mother like she always deserved to be.

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Should Prue have had a child?

Postby sweissman » Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:19 am

As long as it's Andy's child I'm all up on the possiblity of the idea, but it'd have to be Andy's only because Prue deserved to have him with her as much as you say she deserved to be a mother. And had she talk about one protective aunt - no way would anyone, even some family members, even get close to that kid...Piper'd be all over them since that'd be her lasting connection to her dear sister; although considering the fact she does die....I don't think I'd want her to have a kid as that'd be really sad for them. Had she lived though....yeah, I could go with the possiblity of her starting up a family of her own, if the story was done right of course and no one (Kern) didn't screw it up.
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Should Prue have had a child?

Postby mingbear » Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:30 pm

I wondered why it wasn't written in, so yes, I think she should've had a child. But it's just as well that she didn't because she died. The baby would have to go through what the they all did with finally dealing with their mother's death much later in life. Children can't handle that stuff. So, I think it would've been great, but probably worked out for the best.
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Should Prue have had a child?

Postby lil4leafclover » Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:27 am

Wow, I'll have to admit, very creative and interesting topic ^^;

I think she would have been an amazing mother, but it would have been tragic for the child to lose their mother so early. I feel sorry for all of the people on there that did. It creates a big impact on that child. But Prue proves to be more than capable to be a mother. I was in memory lane today and watched the first season. I can't remember the Episode's name but it was the Episode where a little boy named, "Max" was kidnapped. A little boy that contained the ability to perform psychokinesis, I think it was. Well the ability was be able to move objects without actually seeing them through vision. Prue went to the child's aide but only became another victim inside the crime. Max made reference of Prue that he feels that she was his mother. Well if thats I remember correctly. So I totally agree, she is so motherly. I wish I had sisters, or brothers that were like that. Well I don't have any, anyways.


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Should Prue have had a child?

Postby mingbear » Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:03 am

Another good example was the one I watched today with the ghost that killed all the male members of a rich woman's family. It was because she killed him or something, anyway, the sisters had to watch the baby, Matthew. Prue had him in a desk drawer, hilarious!
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