
Got some questions you would like to ask Shannen? This is the place to post them! Shannen will answer as many as she can. She will also posting in this section with news on her career. Please read the rules before posting your question. Thank you.


Postby shannenluvah » Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:42 am

Hey Shannen,

I know there's been talk before, but I was just wondering if there were now any plans for you to do an album?

If there aren't any current plans, or if you've given up on that idea, would it help if we begged a little? If we did some hands and knees groveling? Just promised to buy it? LOL
ShannenLuvah <3
New Shannen Fan
Posts: 18
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:41 am
Location: Ohio

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